natural healing

Homeopathy is a gentle and natural system of complementary medicine which supports physical, mental and emotional levels; enhancing the body to heal itself.

emotional healing

Bach Flower is a natural system that works exclusively on an emotional level, helping to prevent negative states of mind and restore emotional balance.

energy healing

Reiki is a Japanese system of natural healing designed to increase harmony and balance in life.

metabolic healing

Naturopathic Nutrition combined with Health & Wellness Coaching focuses on the use of whole and organic VEGAN foods as medicine and a healthy lifestyle to promote health.
*VEGAN approach

the detective

Functional testing is a useful tool for understanding what is happening with your metabolic functions, methylation, gut microbiome, minerals, vitamins, hormones, energy, sleep, and more.

the helper

Supplementation is a helper; it is essential to understand which brands to buy from and which supplements may be indicated for your goals.

*VEGAN approach

students& graduates

Supervision sessions help you to transition from a student to a professional and from a professional to an expert. 
 Click below to start your transition!

explore & discover

E-books are a great source of knowledge! 
 They are easy to manage and can be accessed from your mobile, tablet or laptop. 
Click below to explore & discover !

learn & wander

Learning should be easy and enjoyable. 
My e-Courses are simple & light. 
Click below to learn & wander!

Live Healthy ~ Natural Healing ~ Change Your Life ~ Healthy Living 

Change your life

Be better ~ Be healthier ~ Be happier
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